发布时间:2021-10-16 阅读次数: 63次

Guizhou three generations of older women IVF pregnancy success rate how prepared

In Guizhou Province, for elderly women who want fertility, time is the opportunity to pre-pregnancy check if everything is normal, you can prepare pregnant naturally six months, but if the check is not successful, it is recommended to consider in advance of IVF assisted reproduction, because the larger females young and old,natural conception or IVF, the success rate will be reduced 贵州三代试管婴儿高龄女性怎么备孕成功率高 **, mainly to tell you about today, Guizhou three generations of older women do want to be successful IVF should be prepared in advance?

Preparation older physical conditioning before pregnancy

Pay attention to pre-pregnancy body conditioning, and aggressive treatment of certain chronic diseases themselves or other diseases, in order to give the baby during pregnancy favorable growth environment.

If you suffer from thyroid disease, high blood sugar, urticaria and other diseases, in preparation for pregnancy should be treated.Many pregnant women because there is no medical examination did not know where the body in question, anyway, the body feels good, all concerns fetal growth retardation occurs after pregnancy, placental insufficiency and so on.

Life must be rules, science diet.Try to quit drinking before planning a pregnancy of six months.Do not eat too much, should be the law of life, should be the law of life, sleep should be sufficient to peace of mind is easy to make a good mood, increase the success rate of pregnancy.

Science diet, balanced nutrition is equally important.They can eat high-protein, high-fiber foods during pregnancy preparation.Some more black beans, soy milk, fish soup and so on.The results showed that: black beans can prevent premature ovarian failure, soy milk can effectively regulate endocrine, endocrine disorders and avoid affecting ovulation; soup can promote follicular development, in favor of female dominant follicle excretion.

Preparation elderly pregnancy menstrual regulation.

First, the female ovulation menstruation can cause instability, leading to difficulty conceiving, it is recommended in patients with irregular menstruation should identify the causes and treatment for the cause, if it is due to work pressure, mental stress, eating habits due to objective factors,self-regulation will have control.

Period to keep warm, avoid cold, cold, raw, cold **, to prevent the invasion of pathogenic cold, adequate rest, reduce fatigue, improve nutrition, enhance physical fitness.Should try to control violent mood swings, avoid strong spirit **, maintain a happy mood.Should draw attention to their diet, moderate consumption of meat do artificial insemination woman suffering it, cereals, dark green leafy vegetables and calcium-rich foods, should not eat too much cold.

Preparation elderly ovarian pregnancy recuperation.

Because older women decreased ovarian function, so prepare pregnant should take extra care; recommend bigger or poor ovarian function in women ages before pregnancy or plans prepared tubes, should pay attention to the conservation of the ovaries.

Iron supplementation, provide nourishment for the egg, the blood contains large amounts of iron, for women, each menstrual cycle will emit large amounts of blood will naturally lost a lot of iron; clinically proven: iron, just as the egg canprovide nutrition.So, in order to more healthy eggs, you have to eat during menstruation iron-rich foods, such as spinach, animal offal, ready for egg maturation.

Preparation of the winter palace of the elderly nursed back to health before pregnancy

Warming of eating food, older women may eat more Qi and blood, spleen food, proper eating fresh warm blood of the fall and winter.Such as beef and mutton, ginger, red dates, brown sugar, water and so on.

In addition, older women cold hands and feet, usually can adhere to brisk walking, exercise can be warm feet of water, not only to relieve foot fatigue, but also to clear the meridians, relieve blood, improve blood circulation, promote body metabolism.

Moderate exercise can enhance physical fitness.

Proper physical exercise can not only improve physical fitness of women, but also can reduce the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities oogenesis, in large part to ensure the quality of eggs.

Any intention to have children of women, should actively participate in jogging, swimming, tai chi, badminton and other sports, to lay the foundation for the pregnancy.And appropriate exercise also enables their immune system has been strengthened during pregnancy, pregnant mother ** can reduce the trouble due to illness for the baby brings.

Mental adjustment, relax, neuroendocrine scientists found that women, if a long period of depression, anxiety state, the body will secrete a lot of cortisone called "anxiety hormone", adding to the psychological burden.

In addition, the psychological pressure of women, the long-term vascular contraction, affecting the part of the uterus, ovary blood flow, tension and nervous system, cause abnormal release of certain neurotransmitters appear, causing the uterus, fallopian tubes muscle contraction disorders,embryo can not get out of bed, leading to breeding failure.

So whether women pregnant at the time of preparation, in order to improve the quality of the egg, or at the time of birth to the baby, should remain positive and optimistic attitude.


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